The Rain
Good morning IG/Hoopers! There are so many ways to talk about how we have to work hard, struggle and sacrifice for our what we want. A lot of times we talk about the struggles that go along with the success. When you hear famous people tell their story, you hear them talk about the struggle of this, that, and the third. There’s a reason. Anything absent of struggle and sacrifice is probably mediocre and not really worth mentioning. All of these people had to deal with their fair share of rain in order to become the success that they are today. There’s no other way to get to greatness except through struggle and sacrifice, and that looks different for every individual player.
So what rain (struggles) do you have in your life right now? Is that rain worth the rainbow that you have coming? Or does it feel like it’s just storming and storming and nothing is coming from it? Let me encourage you to keep pushing… even in the rain!! Even if you can’t see your rainbow YET, know that the rain is still providing so much for you, your strength and character! There are some players that are late bloomers, some players didn’t hit elite status until college, some players didn’t have their break out season until their senior year in college. But they kept working in the rainfall. However, if the rain makes you go run for shelter, you’ll never get to see your rainbow. Embrace the rain!