Look For Rainbows
Good morning, hoopers! Sometime we concede to bad things happening. Sometimes we take unfortunate situations and are unable to find the positive it them. At times, we even take a positive outcome and never realize that it stemmed from the negative situation that we felt was the end of the world. If you change you mindset, you change your life. Being upset doesn’t help anyone except those who want to see you fail.Same applies on the basketball court. I used to be pissed that I wasn’t on the “starting 5” when I was younger. I was definitely one of the better players. But once I realized that I was able to get a preview of what my player (assignment) would be doing BEFORE i got in the game, it was awesome. I was able to reduce turnovers and I knew how to guard her better. I used to HATE having to play the post position. I was definitely a guard. But once I realized that on defense and offense I was quicker than the other post, I was good. Defensively, I could get around the post player due to my speed and offensively, the only thing that changed was my proximity to the basketball and my defender was bigger and slower. Some situations may not be created unless you’re put in an unwanted situation. So just keep this in mind, when it rains, look for the rainbow. And when it’s dark, look for the stars. #morningthought