In the End…
Good morning hoopers! When you start a marathon, when you run a race, even when you go from Point A to Point B, those who were there in the beginning aren’t necessarily going to be there at the end. People get tired, leg cramps, flat tires, pulled over by the police (lol), and even change their minds. We have to be ok with the journey that we have for OURSELVES. We have to be ok with the fact that our journey isn’t the same as everyone else’s. Sometime paths just cross, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to the same place.
Here’s the thing, we have teammates, coaches, and other team related acquaintances that we like and want to be on our journey. So we might slow up for them, hoping that will encourage them to keep coming. We might play on their team longer, fooling ourselves into believing that we’ll be close forever. We might choose a certain work out over another, because the lesser of the two will allow everyone to get in. Listen, if everyone is doing it, it’s not special. If everyone reaches that point, it’s not elite. In your journey to becoming an elite athlete, isn’t the point to separate yourself from the rest and become better?
Remember, even though they’re with you now, that doesn’t mean that they’ll be there in the end… you take your journey, let others take theirs. But you can’t be on your journey and theirs, too!