T.W.P! Cards!
The Negative Committee
We have to stop thinking so negatively as players. When things aren’t going as you’d like, it’s easy to think negative thoughts. But thinking negatively is like feeding yourself poising, helping your dreams and aspirations to die. 5 things to help with negative thoughts. 1. Smile 2. Surround yourself w/ positive ppl 3. Change your…
Learn MoreHow Bad?
Know this… at any point, you are able to be fed up and make a change. You are allowed to improve. You have permission to change the course, skill set, quality of your basketball game/performance. If you’re not playing enough, if you’re not respected enough, if you’re not shooting enough… whatever is going on that…
Learn MoreYou vs. You
The sooner we learn where our competition lies, the better. Often times we do things to prove we’re better than the next person. Sometimes we use other players’ skills as a benchmark for ourselves. We even set our goals based on what somebody else is or isn’t doing. That’s all the way backwards! When you…
Learn MoreLuck!
Players may feeling that other players “got lucky” and that’s why they made it… What this quote is saying is that, that “luck” that you’re talking about was the effect of hard work, countless hours in the gym. That luck that you may be referring to is the result of choices being made to work…
Learn MoreWhat You Think…
Controlling our thoughts is one of the hardest things ever. But when we realize that we are what our thought are, that when we change our thoughts we’ll change our world and that the happiness of our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts, then we may become a better shooter, a better defender,…
Learn MoreJust ONE Degree
Just one degree can make all the difference. This weekend I had the opportunity to share with some of the youth in NYC the 212. And it made sense to them. 212 degrees (boiling water) is about taking your game (life, education) to the next level. It’s not about being satisfied with where you are.…
Learn MoreOvernight Success
We look at a lot of players and think that they suddenly became great. We think that it wasn’t work for them, and they woke up like this (Beyonce voice). It doesn’t work like that though. We often notice the finished product and not the process. We see the love that everyone is giving other…
Learn MoreThe Impossible
So many times we want to make these huge statements and we go about it all wrong. We wake up wanting to be the best shooter, best ball handler, best player, and we start with doing things that are the toughest, because we think that’s what the greatest do. WRONG! Maybe the greats do these…
Learn MoreGood Things Come…
Let’s be honest for a moment… good things aren’t coming to those who wait! Not in basketball, anyway. Waiting is an idea of the past. My grandparents’ generation was supposed to be patient. Today’s generation is full of go-getters. If we want it, we go out and get it. We’re not waiting for the coach…
Learn More24 Hours A Day
Raise your hand if you want to get a scholarship to a major or mid-major university. *hands go up* I wish there was an aerial view, panning over the entire world, showing all the hoopers that not only want to play ball in college, not only want to play at the same university as you,…
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