4:1 Ratio
Bobby Knight said this well. When it comes to basketball, you have to “know” and “understand” the game. Not everyone is blessed with sick athletic abilities and if you aren’t, that’s ok. How can you survive as a player when you can’t jump as hi as everyone, you can’t run as fast as the others, you’re not as explosive as people playing your position… so how? Easy peasy! Those are all physical attributes. But, when you understand basketball, know your opponents options better than they do, know your options at all times like the back of your hand, be efficient in all that you do… now you’re able to compete! Heck, now you may be better. Sounds too good to be true, huh? It’s not… trust me. I wasn’t fast defensively, so I decided not to let my player get the ball. Whew! Took care of that. Offensively, I had a jumper but wasn’t fast. Well, a shot fake makes everyone come out of their stance… some more than others. Sweet, one dribble pull up it is! I’m telling you, or I guess Bobby Knight and I are telling you… Get the mental game down, and you can excel! I’ve lived! He’s coached it!